Articles tagged with: Crafting

Aadarian Realms

on Wednesday, 11 February 2015. Posted in Fantasy, Complete List

4.5/5 rating (26 votes)

Aadarian Realms


Aadarian Realms is a fast paced mud with 101 Levels over 4 Tiers.

We feature the following classes:

Tier 1: Mage, Ranger, Cleric, Warrior, Druid, Acolyte, Thief and Witch.
Tier 2: Wizard, Strider, Priest, Gladiator, Sage, Lich, Rogue and Wiccan.
Tier 3: Archmage, Hunter, Bishop, Knight, Hierophant, Necromancer, Assassin
and Warlock.

With our brand NEW Tier 4 Classes:
Sorceror, Nomad, Tracker, Cardinal, Healer, Champion, Guardian, Warden, Ghoul,
Torturer, Outlaw, Enforcer, Spellbinder, Psychic and Deathknight.

Every single skill has been meticulously gone through and rebalanced. Every single
class and race has been looked at, and racial skills added, special stats modified, and
much much more done.

Aadarian Realms features:

• Completely Automated clan system.
• Run command to easily travel between areas.
• 2 Automated Quest Systems.
• Player Crafting.
• Artifact Items - Levelling items, which are able to be updated.
• Warzone Area - Player Killing Area giving specific rewards.
• Devote - Gain extra stats.
• Hero EQ - spread through-out the world.
• Storage - Keep your special objects safe.

Aadarian Realms has been running for almost 3 years now, and in those 3 years has
been in the top 20 muds on TMC.

If you want a MUD where player ideas are taken seriously, then Aadarian Realms is
the place for you. Give us 15 minutes of your time, and those 15 minutes could end
up being hours!

We look forward to seeing you.

Age of Dragons

on Friday, 04 April 2014. Posted in Fantasy, Roleplay, Hack & Slash, Complete List

5.0/5 rating 1 vote

Age of Dragons


Age of Dragons is being newly developed using the CoffeeMUD MUD engine. The original game is still online, however most development is being put into the reboot using CoffeeMUD. The game is set after the end of the War of the Lance, during what is commonly termed 'the 4th age'. The Knights of Solamnia and Forces of Whitestone defeated the Dragonarmies of Takhisis with the instrumental assistance of the heroes of the lance. Things are far from peaceful, but the grip of fear throughout Ansalon has ended for most. In this new era, adventurers are aplenty. The dangers of the land differ from locale to locale, and skirmishes most often occur between small groups as opposed to large armies. The potential for wealth and fame is abound for adventurers in this era. At the same time, while routed, the dragonarmies are not destroyed. In addition, new and dark forces are arising, and the Knights of Solamnia and the Forces of Whitestone cannot sit on their heels and wait. They continue to remain active and recruiting; as do their adversaries, known and otherwise. Our game is currently in a state of heavy development, and is not yet ready for general play. We do however appreciate anyone who would like to help test things out, as well as those who wish to help with the building and quest making efforts. You can find our website at and connect at port 4444. If you're a fan of the old classic CircleMUD Age of Dragons, it can be found at and at port 4000.


on Wednesday, 21 August 2013. Posted in Fantasy, Hack & Slash, Complete List

4.8/5 rating (8 votes)


Welcome to Ansalon, a Dragonlance MUD (Multi User Dungeon, Text Based Game) where a player can become an imaginary character in the DragonLance world, and interact with other players who are also playing at the same time. Your character can be a Silvanesti Elf, a Neidar Dwarf, a Human, a Minotaur, a fun-loving Kender, or any of a multitude of races.

Ansalon is one of the longest-running MUDs left in existence (est. 1996). It is a stable, well-developed world, with custom code and custom areas to explore. Even over a decade later, we’re making upgrades and changes on a weekly basis!


on Friday, 09 August 2013. Posted in Fantasy, Hack & Slash, Complete List

4.5/5 rating (2 votes)

Bedlam MMO

Graphical web and iPhone apps set apart this intelligent hack'n'slash loot fest. Random & randomized loot, custom quest system. Based on the original zones of AnotherWorld. Hunt for artifacts, solve puzzles, take down tough bosses.

Classic 6Dragons

on Saturday, 19 July 2014. Posted in Fantasy, Hack & Slash, Complete List

5.0/5 rating 1 vote

Classic 6Dragons

Classic 6Dragons is a free text based game, based on the 6Dragons codebase. This game's dragons are as they were intended to be... Powerful, awe-inspiring and just incredible FUN to play! Some Features Include: Accessibility, 6 Dragons has a soundpack and setting for the seeing impaired. Custom Tradeskills: don't like hack n slash, be a blacksmith, jeweler, baker, or trader. Wilderness that is difficult to get lost in, due to landmark code. Custom City Siege code, where you can laysiege to other cities. Custom Quest Journal no questmaster cookie cutter code, our quest code is unique.


on Friday, 05 February 2016. Posted in Hack & Slash, Complete List

0.0/5 rating (0 votes)


Come see what we're brewing up at the home mud for the CoffeeMud code base. Play in all those old areas in new and twisted ways. You'll be glad you peeked!

Days of Dragons

on Monday, 18 May 2015. Posted in Fantasy, Complete List

5.0/5 rating 1 vote

Days of Dragons
Old Classic 6Dragons game.



on Tuesday, 19 January 2016. Posted in Fantasy, Roleplay, Complete List

5.0/5 rating (9 votes)

What is this? 
We are text based roleplay intensive fantasy adventure that is a built on top of the ROM 2.4b6 codebase, commonly referred to as a MUD (multi-user dungeon). 
Wait, why ROM? 
It's not just ROM! Useful features from other open source codebases (Smaug, Moosehead Sled, Crimson Skies) and many other authors have been included into our core. In addition, ROM has been cleaned up, modernized (where applicable) and modified to become a stable platform for us to build upon going forward. To that end, we're really excited. 
Roleplay you say? 
Yeah, RPI (roleplay intensive) to be exact. We're trying to cultivate a medieval fantasy world that provides a deep storyline to support the hack and slash aspects of our game. It's no easy task but we feel that we've created something that can be enjoyed by everyone and still feel immersive.

Mundo Sangre

on Sunday, 13 January 2019. Posted in Sci-Fi, Complete List

0.0/5 rating (0 votes)

Mundo Sangre

The world was a peaceful place until the blood rain fell. Almost all normal people died out, creating mutated humans and animals. You have been chosen to recover the shards to remove the blood rain curse. The world is depending on you!

Procedural Realms

on Saturday, 31 October 2015. Posted in Hack & Slash, Complete List

5.0/5 rating 1 vote

Procedural Realms

Play Now!

Classic turn-based combat meets modern game design in a giant procedurally generated world. Hack and slash your way to victory with the JRPG-inspired turn-based combat system, or build the farm of your dreams and craft your way to success. Open-ended character customization and use-based skill progression make for endless builds to experiment with.
  • Enjoy casual gameplay, simple mechanics, and a fun, friendly, cooperative environment
  • Choose your playstyle: solo PvE combat, group dungeons, or crafting and base building
  • Build a farm, breed livestock, and produce goods to enhance or profit
  • Crawl dungeons, discover randomized loot and equipment, or craft and enchant your own
  • Craft weapons and armor, brew potions, build a shelter, go fishing, or dig for buried treasure
  • Hire a mercenary, summon powerful elementals, or raise an army of the dead
  • Over 100 combat abilities and 10 crafting skills for endless play style options
Fast character creation and a few quick interactive tutorials will teach you the basics and have you playing quickly. Come enjoy a new casual PvE experience and make your mark on the world.
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