Complete List

Age of Illusion

on Monday, 09 June 2014. Posted in Fantasy, Roleplay, Complete List

5.0/5 rating 1 vote

Age of Illusion

Set in the time before The Dragon Reborn has revealed himself, Age of Illusion offers players a place to enjoy themselves. Nobility across the world plays the game of houses. The Aes Sedai plot, the Wheel turns. Where are you?

We offer:

Guilds such as Darkfriend, Shadowspawn, White Tower, Borderguard, Black Tower (when RP opens it up).

Custom leveling: Channelers choose what they would like their powers to be. (Want to be a female channeler who has a bit of power in fire? Just add more power to your fire sphere). No two channelers are the same--power is randomly generated based on what you put in your spheres, the higher number you put in, the more powerful it will be.

Talents: We offer Cloud Dancing, Foretelling, Traveling, Dreaming, Wolfkin (Perrin, Elyas), Viewing (Think Min) Sniffing (Hurin) and many more.

Masteries: Blademaster, Speardancer, Axemaster and more all are available when you reach level 90. Once you reach 95 in the skill, you get your heron-marked blade. (Or equivalent for other weapons)

RP: We have a great RP system. Emote (normal) Smote (same as emote, but you don't have to start the emote with your name) and many more commands. If you have your RP flag on, you get autorewards for emotes in both questpoints and experience.

Special weaves and skills: Aes Sedai can Bond and make Warders, male and female channelers can link, and many, many more surprises...


on Wednesday, 26 March 2014. Posted in Fantasy, Roleplay, Complete List

0.0/5 rating (0 votes)


Akanbar is a role playing game that takes place in a land of medieval fantasy where dragons, ogres and magic exist. With three realms to live in, the Sun realm, the Shadow realm and the Demonic realm, you can play whatever role you wish, be it a stealthy Assassin or a dragon-riding Storm Warden. Each realm hosts a city and, within that city, many guilds to choose from. Should hunting or player-killing not attract you, there are countless other activities to do, ranging from completing quests to creating items.


on Friday, 01 March 2019. Posted in Fantasy, Complete List

0.0/5 rating (0 votes)


Aldebaran is a classical LPmud which is focussed on exploration and quest solving - there is no PK.

Originally founded by some Ex-Nemesis wizzes, when that one as shut down, it uses a genuine mudlib with a complex damage and skill system.

There are some cults and clans, but in general participating in one of these should not exclude you from exploring some parts of the rest of the world. Efforts are made to emphasize a consistent medieval fantasy setting of the game. Over time even the game driver did move away from the original Amylaar sources and can now even do MXP.

We invite you to share our fantasies and we also welcome newbie coders with a huge amount of coding documentation & working, walkable examples. []

Alter Aeon

on Saturday, 10 August 2013. Posted in Fantasy, Hack & Slash, Complete List

4.8/5 rating (23 votes)

Alter Aeon
A Diku-like multiclass MUD written entirely from scratch. The five primary classes of mage, thief, cleric, warrior, and necromancer form the basis for various skill sets, but skill sets are not always restricted to single classes.


Ancient Anguish

on Monday, 11 November 2013. Posted in Fantasy, Hack & Slash, Complete List

0.0/5 rating (0 votes)

Ancient Anguish

Come and join and explore a world full of magic and fantasy.


on Monday, 07 December 2015. Posted in Fantasy, Roleplay, Complete List

0.0/5 rating (0 votes)


Animud is an anime themed roleplaying based world. We have a medium 
sized world of mostly original content. Most of our areas and world 
are based on various anime. We are always expanding it and looking for 
builders. We offer anime based races that are well themed for 
creating your dream character. Everything is balanced and we 
guarantee you will love our quest system. Animud offers an open 
clan (guild) system where players create their own clans, with 
extended ranks and clan hall options. Equipment is level restricted 
within 50 levels, keeping low level players from abusing high level 
equipment, while still providing freedom of eq choice. We are a 200 
level mud, our races are; Human, Elf, Dwarf, Saiyan, Third(android), 
Juraian, and Skeleton. We have the following classes: Mage, Cleric, 
Thief, Warrior and Vampire. 

New players are welcome and our help system is specifically designed 
to cater to the skill level of the player. We hope to see you on!


on Wednesday, 21 August 2013. Posted in Fantasy, Hack & Slash, Complete List

4.8/5 rating (8 votes)


Welcome to Ansalon, a Dragonlance MUD (Multi User Dungeon, Text Based Game) where a player can become an imaginary character in the DragonLance world, and interact with other players who are also playing at the same time. Your character can be a Silvanesti Elf, a Neidar Dwarf, a Human, a Minotaur, a fun-loving Kender, or any of a multitude of races.

Ansalon is one of the longest-running MUDs left in existence (est. 1996). It is a stable, well-developed world, with custom code and custom areas to explore. Even over a decade later, we’re making upgrades and changes on a weekly basis!

Arcane Nites

on Thursday, 22 August 2013. Posted in Fantasy, Roleplay, Complete List

0.0/5 rating (0 votes)

Arcane Nites

unique (yoo-neek)
1. Being the only one of its kind.
2. Without an equal or equivalent; unparalleled.

History: We have always prided ourselves on being truly unique with our gaming experience and design. We also have the richest history and storyline of any mud that is out there. Our shortened roleplay history is 40 pages long, giving players the ability to truly see the timeline and progression of the game.

We have just finished a 1 year long rewrite of the code to create a truly unique gaming experience. Our two imps have a combined 29 years of mud design experience and can trace their mudding roots back to some of the original muds of the late 80s and early 90s. If that is not enough to convince you to check us out, just go through our character creation and you will be hooked by the flexibility and wide array of paths a character can go down.

We are currently rebuilding the player base now after 2 years of construction, so get in now and become part of the history and lore. We look forward to seeing you and are sure you will enjoy your time with us. After all, we are a mud built on the ideas of thousands of players over the past 8 years Well scrap this old history that was there for the past few years and that I kept for pure historic purpose. And forgive my poor English while attempting to make a new one.

This mud is old, really old and was very popular at a point, now old farts come and log have a chat and go elsewhere. We need fresh meat to beat (err help) We suffer the eternal hen and egg problem. Newbies usually find the mud nice, but not enough people on and leave just before a new one try...

The world is huge and enjoyable but what makes this game interesting is people interaction. All the basic facilities you can have are implemented, and if you want more, just ask. I tuned the game so if you choose to be pk, you don't actually need to level to compete. (hp/mana/moves bonus are given). And every items is lootable, NO exception. A fight can go from 1 rounds to 30, and all the rules are hard coded, so no whining. If you can do it it is legal. If you harass people, you better be really good as you will not find a place to rest. If you have any question, log, ask, or post a note, I will answer it. What's next ? Crafting is coming, 80% of the work done.


on Saturday, 13 April 2019. Posted in Fantasy, Complete List

0.0/5 rating (0 votes)


Let your spirit take shape in one of fifteen races, cast your will into one of nine guilds and begin your journey towards destiny. Forge friendships. Gain power. Vanquish ememies. Work with your allies toward things greater than any individual. Become part of the rich history of adventures who have made their home in a world that is immediately fun and will continue to challenge and stimulate for years to come. Step through the portal, and immerse yourself in the mythical world, Astaria.


on Wednesday, 25 September 2013. Posted in Fantasy, Complete List

4.3/5 rating (3 votes)


Avalon is a mythical, role-playing world of vast depth and complexity; just because you have played other muds don't expect to be ready for Avalon... it is unlike any other.

A vast land of great diversity awaits those who are willing to take up the challenge, a land of legend and history in the making, a land where you can make a difference and change the course of history itself.

Avalon is a living, breathing, ever-evolving world. You will choose your own path to suit you; perhaps as a great warrior, maybe an artful mage or cunning sorcerer, a politician or skilled trader, a peaceful farmer or ruthless assassin. The choices are endless and the opportunities to display your worth and skills are unrivalled. Remember though, all characters born into Avalon start out equal, what will be is as yet unwritten. Before you lies the challenge, the possibility to enhance your character with hundreds of skill abilities which will give you the potential to be successful in the path of your choosing. Good luck to you!
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